English to Corsican Meaning of keg - SOST

Keg :

SOST, freddo, botte

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Definitions of keg in English
Noun(1) the quantity contained in a keg(2) small cask or barrel
Examples of keg in English
(1) A keg of beer sat in a shiny galvanized tub in the shade.(2) Lauren returned with a few bottles of wine and Gregory with a large keg of ale.(3) So I walked into the kitchen and filled up another glass of beer from the keg .(4) He will know how many pints can be got out of a keg of beer, and what percentage can be attributed to ÔÇÿevaporationÔÇÖ.(5) Scott had ordered a keg of beer and that was that.(6) Aside from that there was a large barrel of mead and a keg of fine ale.(7) They wrestled against the back cupboard, knocking a keg of ale to the floor.(8) With the beer keg now open, the partygoers downed some schnapps and attacked the beer.(9) It is very difficult to weigh or otherwise measure the contents of a keg of beer to determine consumption.(10) As to gifts, among those given to Charles was a five-litre keg of muscat brandy, vintage 1996.(11) It was a sad day because it was a very old pub with its traditional style of old furniture, beer kegs , liquor bottles, grocery products and photographs.(12) On top of that there were also three kegs of beer.(13) One of his examples was the case of a brewer who sold kegs of beer to alehouses on credit but charged a price high enough to cover an interest charge and the risk of default.(14) It involved lugging bins of scraps, changing kegs of radioactive dishwasher detergent and, worst of all, trying to clean a mountain of pans.(15) The wrong gas system will cause beer inside kegs to go flat or get foamy at the end of every keg.(16) In the early days of quarrying, one-foot holes were made and whole kegs of gunpowder used in blasting.
Related Phrases of keg
(1) powder keg ::
powder keg
(2) beer keg ::
beer keg
(3) keg stand ::
agnuna SOST
1. barrel ::
2. cask ::
3. vat ::
4. butt ::
5. tun ::
, tun
6. hogshead ::
7. firkin ::
Different Forms
keg, kegs
English to Corsican Dictionary: keg

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