Topic Wise Words

Topic Personality:: PAGE #13

:: Gillen is a capable and accomplished coach but he has struggled to recruit at Virginia:: Meanwhile the search continues for other birdbrains with a gift for numbers:: Patients were excluded if they were comatose unresponsive andor intubated:: It is no concern of the author that their readers might attempt to replicate a way of life that does not exist or be disappointed when they fail to do so:: Young international ballerinas in colorful leotards begin the evening with an excitement that enchanted the audience:: Is he trustworthy enough so that you dont have to feel fearful about exulting over it in front of your conservative friends who seem mightily disdainful:: 7 In the words of Mauriac it is this risk of death that would bring Malrauxs experience of life into sharper relief even to a state of exaltation :: She had black shoulderlength hair with a heavy fringe and a round face with bushy eyebrows :: Hes always happy to talk frank in his opinions entertaining in his manner and perceptive about whatever matter is in hand:: In the past decade we started a frantic search for clues that might lead to its cure:: Pair up female and male black grouse that have no chemistry the female isnt interested in the male:: Id parallel as Blatty does human kindnessforgiveness with the existence of God:: Heres hoping that the Year of Horse will be a year of compassion humanity and truthfulness:: It would be nice to go beyond the usual everyday humdrum routine I should think:: The front two had little support other than balls knocked long to alleviate the pressure:: Councils do attract loony councillors he explained:: I have to work toward a depth of physicality to create the consuming jealousy that obsesses her:: It became clear during the investigation that the attractive newlywed had been the subject of Wilsons obsessions :: You can feel the force in her acting now and its such a very pleasant surprise:: I remember the prickle of excitement on my skin when listening to Dookie in science class ten years ago this very nearly brings it all back:: He worked normally at Chequers on Saturday and felt fine when he hosted a monthly dinner there but felt queasy on Sunday morning and a doctor was called:: Dr Strange is known for being the master of the queer and unusual dark arts of magic:: In the image however the shortest wavelengths are represented as blue while the longest are coloured in red :: There is a fine line sometimes between a joke satire ridicule and genuine defamatory ridicule :: Number two I dont know why youd wish to spend your birthday in a small stuffy room like this one when you could be up in the fresh cool air:: The similarity of the attacks has stunned the family who had believed the person responsible for the murder had been detained:: I suspect this unsmilingness has less to do with exuding cool than with the fact he has wonky teeth:: She claims that he has acknowledged the untruthfulness of this story to her over the years:: they can walk away from the deal
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